
OK, is it just me or do many cab/taxi drivers in Detroit have no clue 
where things are in the town? 75% of the cabs we took the guys had no 
clue where we were going and these were venues or buildings on main 
streets. I found that kinda odd. The People Mover was a curious thing - 
it seemed to go around an area I'd consider "walking distance" but I 
guess if you're tired or wearing shoes that hurt it's a good thing to 
take. They had some nice tile work & designs in the little station 
stops. We mostly walked everywhere unless it was mega-blocks away.

PG> LOL. I jumped in a cab on the way home from the Cannonball party at
around 5am or so and the dude drove for about 10 minutes and we had returned
right back to the front of the cannonball party. WTF! The cool thing was
that there was this alternative radio show on and the Carl Craig Detroit
Experiment was playing all the way back to my hotel :)

The people mover is a long standing detroit joke.. It doesn't go anywhere !


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