Hey guys, it's one of the few times I'll be playing out this summer. Would love 
to some of your gorgeous mugs in the crowd.

Thanks. See you there.

(see info below)


A musical journey through the minds of two madmen.

Selections by

Michael Doyle (Burnlab, New York City)
Rob Theakston (Thinkbox, Detroit)

A shoegazing, no wave, new wave, synth pop, post punk, punk rock, idm, indie 
rock, industrial, funk, disco, boogie, acid house, prog rock, microhouse, 
electro extravaganza with a Pixies song thrown in for good measure.

Who: You, Your Friends and Your Friendsters 
When: THIS SATURDAY || June 7th || 9pm-2am
Where: Untitled || Shelter || St. Andrew's Hall
How: $5 please
What: Cheap beer. Good Music.

Mrrs. D and T assure the public their production will be second to none.

A splendid time is guarenteed for all.

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