No you haven't understood the situation... Laurent is talking about
things that actually HAS changed since 9/11. He is NOT relaying false
information... He would know since he has gone through this process both
before and after... What he gave was an explanation to those who were
planning on seeing him on his tour. It is quite obvious to pretty much
everyone but you, that YOU are the one that doesn't get it... Have you
ever tried to get a temporary work visa as a performer in the US? Before
and after 9/11?.. Excuse my language, but eph you!

-----Original Message-----
From: Sylvia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 11:36 AM
To: 313 Hyperreal. Org
Subject: RE: (313) OT (was: Laurent Garnier's troubles)

To all who replied,

Let me tell you that I completely understood the situation.

What I tried to explain, but BAU some of you jumped to fast on their
keyboard, is only and only about the process between France and US, so
people who were talking about other countries are out from my point.

Then I do not think artists should mention what happens between France
and US, we have enough with the media propaganders on both side of the
Atlantic, I maintain it does not make sense to me to rely the media and
gave all these false details based on Iraq " war" situation.

Laurent Garnier first sentence starts with : "Since the Iraq
conflict..." then I demonstrated in my reply, giving factual examples
that what he said based on his first postulate is false,  I mean -
people should reread my mail - the process described by Laurent Garnier
are wrong in the way where these processes are not new and are in place
for ages now,  my main point was - it has been always tough to go
through the US immigration like I said, and that's nothing to do with
Irak "war" or whatever this guy mentioned.

True that the security increased in airports, it's more tight but is not
only in US, it's everywhere the same, and that applies to anyone for
residents, for non residents, citizens non citizens, for tourists, for
..... for everybody in France or in US, that's it.

To finish with that when in your hometown it's not better than anywhere
else for non citizens, people should speak in restrained terms or to
mention at least it's not better in their own country, I am an immigrant
in France and I know exactly what I'm talking about it......but send
through F com mailing list such assumptions which I maintain are not
true, because these assumptions are not something new, is not a mature
attitude, but a nationalist behaviour.

|-----Original Message-----
|From: Cyhl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 3:00 AM
|Cc: 313 Hyperreal. Org
|Subject: Re: (313) OT (was: Laurent Garnier's troubles)
|I might be wrong on that point, I think I got inside the ambassy in 
|1996 for my first visa, not 1999 ! (that's a long time ago, it's 
|blurred in my mind !) anyway :)
|and laurent is said to be a cool guy by friends of mine who know him, 
|Cyhl wrote:
|> I then want to point that you're making false claims: for example, 
|> there was a time after 1996 where  you were actually going inside the

|> ambassy to get a visa, you were able to talk to to people etc. (I did

|> it in 1999, for example);

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