> Last night I attended the "Official Movement Afterparty" at the Tangent
> Gallery.  Was first time there, good space.  The artists were Vikter
> Duplaix, Francois K and the one and only Derrick May.  This was my first
> time hearing Duplaix and he was alright.  Francois K had a 2 1/2 or 3 hr
> set and I enjoyed him but I was very itchy to hear May.  Finally around
> 5:15 am, Detroit time, Derrick May started and just tore it up.  He was
> brilliant, transcendant and a bunch of other words that my beat awash brain
> cannot articulate right now.  I had to leave before the end of his set,
> because once again I came with someone who wanted to leave.  (When will I
> learn to go by myself)  When I emerged from the gallery May was still in
> there drivin em crazy and makin em sweat and the sun had emerged over the
> City that made helped birth "House".  I know this was long post but I'm
> still high and eubullient from the beats.  :)

You should have stayed behind and got a lift with us - though that meant
helping pack up. (Cyclone becomes instant expert on mixers, ahem) ;)
He was brilliant too - all the more so, considering he'd had no sleep.
What a night.

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