> Went to Unity.  Liked the venue a lot...very packard-esq inside.  minus the
> trainspotting bathrooms, thank GOD!  Some unknown dj spun until about 2ish,
> when Gene Farris FINALLY came on, his set was i-ight. (not much of house
> fan, so not a good judge)  Kenny Larkin didn't come on till around 3:30,
> but tore it up!

That was Gavin Martin, from memory.

> Around 3:00 they opened the "additional" room...which was pretty lame, as
> it was only below where a dj (?) was playing in the vip room...couldn't see
> the dj, and the sound was all muffled.  So it was back to the main room...
> Left around 4:30 and it was still rockin.

That was Stacey Pullen. It was great! One of the best sets of the weekend.

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