Could it be maybe: 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "spacecrusher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: (313) Waveless DJing

> this thread is oddly relevant to two different aspects of my friday night.  
> my bud Jack Buser was doing a live set in a backroom at the big club here in 
> SF- 1015, and he just gets into it.  One of our mutual friends commented that 
> it was like watching a puppetshow cuz he was bopping around and just rockin 
> out like that.  Lets put it this way- remember the party you were at when you 
> were dancing up a storm more than any other time cuz you were just that into 
> it? well if a waveless DJ is that excited to be playing their own music for a 
> crowd, which is pretty reasonable, why shouldn't they go bonkers? and if 
> there's parts of the crowd that vibe off that energy? well, great.  thats a 
> great side effect at least, I guess as long as its not just theatrical fluff 
> thats a put on. 
> contrasting this, there was another side room where the DJ was playing 
> "electroclash".  ZERO skills tho- she wasn't even bothering to mix the 
> records. songs would literaly end and be silent and then she'd let the next 
> one start up.  Sounds retarded right?  well, oh I should mention that she was 
> topless, just wearing some lingerie and letting her big fake tits hang out 
> for the crowd of dudes to gape at the whole time.  During parts of some songs 
> she'd get great cheers by rubbing her breats like a stripper (which I'm 
> pretty sure she is).
> anyway, I'm sure some of that audience took something home with them that 
> night!
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: lisa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date:  Mon, 16 Jun 2003 14:07:57 -0400
> >Gosh Martin, those DUST events must be pretty good then eh?  ;)
> >
> >sean you dirty birdie, after reading your post I have visions of DJ peep 
> >booths - lol!
> >
> >lisa
> >
> >
> >sean deason wrote:
> >> ----- Original Message ----- 
> >> From: "Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> 
> >>>>its annoying to have people stare at you during a set, you're just there
> >>>>to provide the music.
> >>>
> >> 
> >>>Nothing wrong with this, mostly it's people looking to take a little of
> >>>what you are doing back home to practice with in the bedroom.
> >>>
> >>>Martin
> >> 
> >> 
> >> WHAT!!? Are people now fantasizing about DJ's in the bedroom?? I never knew
> >> this sort of behaviour was going on. I mean... I knew people were
> >> staring...I just didn't people are disgusting!!! Get a proper
> >> porn mag or something! I mean, yeah Rob Theakston does know how to
> >> manipulate the decks and tweak the EQ knobs, and the way he works that
> >> crossfader,uhm... I gotta go...something just came up...
> >> 
> >> :^)
> >> sean
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >
> >
> >
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