> Albums...check
> Talented...check
> From Detroit...check

nope, born and raised in Minneapolis.  Though freakishly popular in the
motor city (how many consecutive sellout shows of the Purple Rain tour
were in Detroit? It was originally supposed to be FIVE but I think there
were even more shows added?)

> Fantastic movies...no fcuking way, could this interviewer
> get any further up Prince's anal corridor...Jesh...

"this interviewer" is the Electifyin Mojo so show let's show a little
respect tough guy  ;)  Only the man responsible namechecked by
Detrick/Kevin/Juan for fertilizing the birth of Detroit techno?  But you
knew that.

Look at it context man, this was near the Zenith of his career at the
time, and when it came out in 1984 and he was at the top of his game, He
had only done one movie and it was hype.  And you have to imagine the
electricity in the air in Detroit about this time, just following a
Prince concert and being on the airwaves over the whole city.  He was
the hottest act in the country at this time!  You better believe it was

I agree he's done some dumb stuff and bad music following his 80's
dominance, but you can't sh!t upon the interview from today's

Matt MacQueen

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