>>>Cesaria Evora is Brazilian

Since when ? That's for sure I missed something...
Cesaria comes from Cabo Verde.

Official Cabo Verde language is Portuguese.
And yes they have dialects in Cabo Verde.
But no, Brazilian language is not a dialect.
And yes we have dialects in Brazil.

I already hear the question: "where is located Cabo Verde?"
Well,  the Archipelago of Cabo Verde is
located 450 km off the coast of Senegal (west Africa),
it is composed of 10 islands and 8 islets.

A very brief history.....

Between 170 and 210 million people speak Portuguese throughout the world
Portuguese ranks eighth among the most spoken languages in the world
(third among the western languages, after English and Castilian)
and is the official language of seven countries: Angola (10.3 million
Brazil (151 million), Cabo Verde (346,000), Guinea-Bissau (1 million),
Mozambique (15.3 million), Portugal (9.9 million),
and São Tomé and Príncipe islands (126,000).

During the 18th century, other differences between
the American and European Portuguese developed.
At that time Brazilian Portuguese failed to adopt linguistic
changes taking place in Portugal produced by French influence.
The Brazilian Portuguese remained loyal to the pronunciation
sed at the time of its discovery.

In the 20th century, the split between the Portuguese and Brazilian variants
of Portuguese
heightened as the result of new words for technological innovations.
This happened because Portuguese lacked a uniform procedure for adopting
such words.
Certain words took different forms in different countries.
For example: in Portugal one hears comboio,
and in Brazil one hears trem, both meaning train.
Autocarro in Portugal is the same thing as ônibus in Brazil,
both meaning bus.
In the vast noncontiguous areas of the world where Portuguese
is spoken there are differences and variations in the pronunciation,
grammar and vocabulary (this is the case with every living language).
Though we cannot deny these differences, they are not sufficient
to challenge the basic structure of the language. Despite its history,
Portuguese continues to maintain its considerable cohesion among its many

Brit/American: lay by/rest area, petrol/gasoline,
lorry/truck, minerals/soft drinks

Well that's for sure American is an English dialect.

a language is a dialect promoted by élites.

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