Specifically Security on Automan 6..when the women speaks its sounds very
tttssssss, distorted sibilance I think is the phrase used..is this the
record or my setup? Anyone else heard this?

-----Original Message-----
From: Sakari Karipuro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 15 July 2003 10:13 a.m.
To: Ralf Gill
Cc: '313@hyperreal.org'
Subject: RE: (313) 313 Weekend in London

Ralf Gill wrote on Tue, 15 Jul 2003 about following:

> Just wondering whats the average age of an older clubber?


> Also, if hi vocals are hissy/ distorted is that my needle or the record
> damaged? Can you tell by looking at a record if its damaged? and if so
> how...

Could be worn-out record, or worn-out needle; OR just horribly badly 
mastered track, quite common mistake nowadays - just too much 
compression. try with other needle, if the sound is still the same, it's 
either record or mastering; then compare two copies of the record.. 

and you might want to read this too:

Timing must be perfect now.  Two-timing must be better than perfect.

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