Well before the League, they where called The Future, check this site for
more info - this will help explain most of the history here in Sheffield:


Richard X put out all the old records on Black Melody...

Dance Like A Star stands out...

> what's the deal with the mid-late 70s material?
Well it never gets mentioned does it, history cuts straight to 81/82, which
is why I was asking about Ken and Greg, Alan Oldham plus Greg Wilson from
the UK. I'm not interested in who was first - just the facts. Every book
I've read doesn't seem to contain the info I need, and as you start to cross
match a lot of it, it just doesn't add up.


>> I've also been digging through all the old League/BEF/Clock DVA and Cabs
>> stuff, you'd be surprised just how techno some of the stuff from
>> 74-78 is...
> I wouldn't! ;-) . Although, I'm more familiar with the post 82 stuff -
> what's the deal with the mid-late 70s material? Would this be even earlier
> incarnations of Heaven 17 (which I believe included members of what later
> became the League.) Any tracks you care to mention?
> k

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