Actually what I find is that a lot of major label promos are watermarked and
you get issued with a numbered copy so they can trace it.
I understand why it's happening (the labels have downsized so much in recent
months, with the industry downturn, it's scary), but it's a shame as I used
to pass on my promos to industry friends, promoters and DJs (they can
continue to use the promo and I figure it does the artist/label a service) a
lot if I got the finished article and now I am too apprehensive to do that
as I can't control what they do to them.
Good Looking has spoken interludes all over their mix-CD promos that drive
you so crazy, they should be used for soft torture! There has to be another
way! ;)

>Subject: Re: (313) Kraftwerk CD ...... copy protection
>Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 7:57 PM

> You get it quite a bit with promo stuff, especially for bands as people are
> just putting them up on file sharing programs a few months before they're
> out.
> some CD's have their own special player that you get on the CD with the
> music, that you have to install to listen to that particular CD.
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