----- Original Message ----- 

> I got this off the NY Times website:
> Thrilled that the number of arrests was at a typical level through the
> first 24 hours of the nation's worst blackout, Detroit officials said the
> weekend would serve as a referendum on Mayor Kilpatrick's leadership and
> his efforts to rehabilitate Detroit's reputation, from that of a city
> decimated by violence and poverty to that of a cultural hub with a
> revitalized economy.

Twice as amazing when you factor in the economy, the unemployment rate,
poverty level, and Thursday was one of the hottest and most humid days so
far this summer: yet somehow Jenny and Kwame were able to keep the city calm
and peaceful throughout the entire blackout.
How pathetic we are! What would our parents, who helped make the '67 riots
such an historical event, think of our flacid performance from the other
night? Come on people! We couldve at least overturned and burned a car or
*something*! Why wait until the Tigers win the World Series!? We cant ride
Rob "one man crimewave" Theaksons coat tails forever! Now get out there and
pilage like it's going out of style, 'cuz according to elected officials, it
just might be!

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