Weird, I was just watching this show on cable this weekend about the
rebuilding of Potzdammer Platz and was telling my wife that the club was
slated to be sold or shut down some time soon and then made a comment that
we should visit before it does.
Haven't the "authorities" been trying to close Tresor for some time now
because it sits on property that has seen a *huge* increase in value?
Seems like they finally got their excuse.


                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            To:                                                
                      09/02/03 03:18 AM        Subject:  (313) Sad news: Club 
Tresor is Shut                              
                      Please respond to                                         

Hello everyone...

..I hope that's only temporary ... but who knows... :/
anyway - read on...


> I don't even know where to start about last Saturday.
> The Aphorism is a 4 man band from the south of Germany, and they have
> releases coming up on Framework.
> They came up from Freiburg on Saturday to peform at Tresor.
> When we showed up at the club for the sound check, there was water
> every
> where.  The club has low 10 ft ceilings, and they had some how set up
> one of
> those out door umbrellas down there.
> There was a leak.  There was a table for them to set up on, and they
> realized soon that there was a leak directly above this table.  The
> one that
> they were about to put thousands of dollars of electronic equipment
> on.
> So the light guy on the sound guy were working on some way to keep
> the water
> off of them.
> They found a large banner/tarp which had a picture of Juan Atkins,
> Derrick
> Carter and Kevin Saunderson (These are famous techno folk for those
> of you
> who don't know) and used it as a sort of umbrella with a couple of
> rods
> holding it up.
> The process took about an hour, and it was quite rediculous to watch.
> Eventually the guys started their live performance, at 2 am.  It was
> going
> pretty well, until the drum machine started acting funny because it
> had
> gotten too much water on it.
> The word was now spreading downstairs (there are two floors in
> Tresor) that
> there was a bunch of police upstairs, and they were checking every
> one for
> drugs.
> People stayed downstairs, and kept partying.
> While I was watching them perform, a member of the crowd came up to
> me and
> said something in German.  Eventually he asked me who I am, I said,
> Bob
> Brown.
> And he said... "Bob Brown, no, really?  You are not Bob Brown..."
> He stepped away, and came back:  "Really, you are Bob Brown?  Prove
> it, so I
> showed him my driver's license."
> He went over and got his friend, and I heard him saying "Bob Brown is
> here!!!"
> Very very crazy, quite a trip really.  He wanted me to sign his
> shirt, but I
> didn't have a marker.
> I signed a sticker for him, and told him to sign up for the
> newsletter.
> So then the cops came downstairs, and wanted identification from the
> band.
> While they were performing.  Crazy!  The best part was, that the
> space
> behind the table was very tight, and the police officer was trying to
> squeeze through, and the band member (Markus) was dancing and rubbing
> his
> ass all over her, while she tried to get buy.  It was very funny.
> Just after that happened, a leak let loose in the tarp above their
> heads,
> and all this water poured down right where he was moving his mouse.
> Crazy,
> they cleaned it up and put an empty glass under the leak...
> The DJ who was supposed to go on after the band hadn't show up yet,
> so we
> figured that he had gotten caught up in the Police mess upstairs.
> The DJ who was on earlier played again, and soon enough the police
> shut down
> the party downstairs.  Ironically enough, he was playing a Bob Brown
> record
> when they told him to shut it off.  I figure that was the last straw
> for
> them.  They had heard enough crazy music, and that was beyond their
> limit.
> The Police escorted every one out two by two, and gave each person a
> thorough search, and then take their information down.
> When I got outside I realized that there were about 300 police
> involved in
> this operation.  They had flood lights, and enough paddy wagons to
> take all
> 600 people that were at the club to jail.
> The Police ended only found 28 people with drugs.
> The whole thing was very strange.
> The club is closed for further review.  Unreal!  Tresor is closed.
> Let us hope that my record won't be the last one played in Tresor.
> I will be posting some pictures and video of the night on the
> Framework
> website.
> I am in Freiburg, with the Aphorism.  I am 20 minutes from
> Switzerland, and
> 30 minutes from France.  How about that.
> Sort of a half vacation, will be going to the black forest, and the
> Largest
> European theme park.
> I am cooking the guys dinner tomorrow night.  Roasted Chickens,
> Mashed Sweet
> Potatoes and Some type of Green.  I would do Collards, but I don't
> think I
> will find em over here.  I will probably go with Swiss Chard, some
> beans and
> Greens....
> I will talk to you all soon...
> I am sure I will have another story after this weekend.   I am
> playing here
> in Freiburg on Friday, and then in Stuttgart on Saturday night.
> Bye bye.
> Bob.

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