Crikey is Jim Masters still going :) last saw him playing a hands free set
with Final Scratch with Trevor Rockcliffe, nice bloke mind, got me a drink

Trevor rocked the place but the turn out was very poor...


3/9/03 10:20 AM Brendan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Hi,
> Just to let you know that Kevin Saunderson will be
> appearing at BASE this Friday, at Crash in Vauxhall,
> alongside Jim Masters, Ed DMX, Cutlass Supreme, and
> the Non Stop DJs. Here is the info!
> Friday 5th September at Crash
> 66 Goding St. Vauxhall, London
> 10pm - 6am
> Admission £12.00 / £10.00 NUS,membs & in advance.
> Advance tickets available from
> or call 08700 600 100. For further info email:
> I am in the process of trying to sort out a concessions
> guest list for 313 members, so let me know offlist
> if you are planning to come down and I will see what
> I can do about getting your name on the door!
> Brendan

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