As promised I'm back from 2 days at the Plasa light and sound show @ earls
court, london with a roundup of the new kit I got to play with and some pics
for you to dribble over !

First the pics... :)

Quite an interesting year this time round - loads of new products and the
reps seemed quite happy to talk me thru everything and let me get hands on
with the kit :)

CD Decks with scratchy platters seem to be flavour of the moment - in my
pics you can see the new denons with motorized platter [and some attatchment
so you can stick a 7" to the top of it for that 'realistic vinyl feel'].
These were pretty sweet actually - you can play 2 tracks off the same cd at
the same time so you only need 1 of them to play out. My biggest issue with
these is they look a complete nigthmare to use if vaguely inebriated [the
guy on the stand took about half an hour explain the features and I was
already lost - e.g four looping sample banks which you can nest within each
other !?]. One thing that stood out about this badboy was the ability to
flash it with upgrades from the denon website [apparently it initially wasnt
developed with mp3 functionality but this is a flashable upgrade].

On the 2nd Day I went which was a trade day rather than public day I got a
chance to play on the new technics cd decks..all I can say is *wow* ! Check
the pics - these babies have the same motors at 1210s and similar
construction platter. They feel really solid and sound great. Loads of nice
stuff on them like the ability to sample the deck's output [eg I did some
scratches, then sampled the scratches and played them back out] other
niceties included braking speed pots, a platter free-wheel mode, scratch-aid
effects [like a one-way mode for stabs] and reverse-play throw switch. The
rep says these are gonna weigh in 700GBP when theyre released - this seems
to be the ballpark figure for most of these next gen cd decks about to hit
the market.

After some sweet talking I managed to grab a go on the final scratch demo
rig to fiddle with the new traktor interface. This is really sweet and seems
a lot slicker than the old i/face. They seem to be really focusing on
practilicalities for the working DJ with features like a playlist generator
tool which shows you relative bpms of tracks and total mix time [useful for
planning those recordings or for radio jocks]. They seem to have a new type
of fs 12" too which is lighter weight vinyl for scratch manipulation and is
broken down into separate timecoded sections for easy navigation and I think
so u can make your own breaks etc. The rep claimed you also now jack an
Archos or Ipod into an f/s laptop , mount the drive and use the tracks
straight off the device which sounds pretty handy. A company stanton now
work with have developed a laptop stand to acompany f/s which keeps your
laptop above the decks at an angle off the table [sales pitch: "prevents you
spilling beer on the laptop!"] :)

Numark had some fun stuff on their stand this yr including a device which
looks like a record deck with a widget that scans the platter on it. The
deck actually takes cd's via a tray in the front and manipulates tunes off
the cd using the platter. To me this seems like a hardware version of
finalscratch and I don't massively see the point. The rep pointed out the
cost aspect as a major point - two of these @ 700GBP a piece is a lot
cheaper than 2 1210s + laptop + finalscratch. Saying that I think fs gives
the DJ way more flexibility and you can carry it in your bag - but it ll be
interesting to see how these numarks fare when they hit the shops.

Pioneer were showcasing two new battle mixers on their stand this year.
There are two models - both provide some intersting features such as
adjustable x-fader resistabnce [flick across for scratching or tactile
resistance for smooth fading] and adjustable fader lag [not sure what this
does tbh!]. The more expensive of the two models has a touchpad for kaos
type effects and menu driven configurastion of the mixer. The unit has 50
odd effects which can be assigned to the faders and scratched/messed about
with. There is also a foot pedal control for effects and session connectors
for battle teams etc. Unfortunately pioneer refused to let me play wioth
this so I cant tell you much else about it suffice to say its now on my
shopping list !! :) 

I had a quick visit before I left to the Korg stand and managed to sneak a
look at some new things they've come up with. The main product beeing pushed
was a new 'entracer' video kaos pad. This does allt he stuff the audio pad
used to do but also takes in a video feed and as u can expect lets u wiggle
around with video fx using your finger. This was hours of fun to play with
but it weighs in at the 800GBP mark and the demo model really didn't seeem
to have great res or frame rate but saying that its easy enough even for a
7yr old to get to grips with. Korg also had a valve based sample/music
workstation. I only played on this briefly but it featured a 2 stage fx
pipeline, more buttons than u can shake a stick at and it had a really nice
'raw' analoguey sound to it. Another fun product was the Microkorg - this
looks like a oldskool[tm] moog-style keyboard/synth - the price is 350GBP
and it had some really great sounds. I have a groovebox and this thing
totally blows it out the water sound-wise. It has a mic and vocoder too for
muchos retro shenangians :] 

Well that's about sums it up - hope this was handy to some of you [my wallet
is now cowering behind the sofa !] 


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