I found this nice 3 tracker over the weekend - it's on solid blue vinyl

I don't have it in front of me but the title is something like "Who is the

scratched into the run out groove there is a Chicago mastering plant's name

sounds like Larry Heard maybe? Reminds me of Alien LP

any info would be great


Michael + everyone - if this was answered excuse me: Aquanauts is another Stinson (I forget the first name). No info abt what the relation is, but there is one. This is in the publicity material. The similarity (to Drexciya) is real and to an extent, intended.

Re. the mastering plant:

Do you mean PJCMR (or some other similar initials)? Yep, they're in Chicago, Mills and Hood use them (I think Hood used them first many years ago, if run-outs of records from '95 are to be believed). I'm finding it interesting that people in Detroit and even Mike Banks, are opting to have mastering (?) done by outfits other than Sound Enterprises (NSC).

On a side note of some trivial interest maybe, here (uk) tonight, they did this thing on tv about the SAS.

Some bloke who was its first commander (after it was reformed) in the 1950s, had the nickname, 'Mad Mike' Culvert.


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