Sadly there's no archive on the site, which might be a statement by
my bosses about the essentially transient nature of creation.
Alternatively it could be because they're a bunch of stingy chancers,
maybe we'll never know....

If Ken's OK about it I could burn people a copy of the show (Ken?),
though I might ask them to send an SAE. If people have personal sites
that I can FTP the MP3s to that would be easier perhaps.



At 08:41 pm +0200 22/9/03, Maarten Baute wrote:
 > Secondly, on a related note, I enclose the playlist for last Friday's
 radio show, including a top class mix from Bleep43's Ken. Guest mix
 from Rolando this coming Friday. In case you're not in the Oxford
 area and want to tune in, there's a live webcast at:

Is there a way to hear KenĀ“s mix for the people who missed the show?
The tracklisting seems interesting, to say the least.


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