Ian Cheshire wrote:
> IGNhbid0IG1peCAuLi4uLmlzIHRoYXQgdHJ1ZT8gc3VyZWx5IG5vdC4uLiBJIGhvcGUgbm90IGNv
> [...]

Ian, you're a nice bloke but you've really got to get this UTF-8 thing
sorted mate, all of your posts in the 313 Digests show up encoded like this,
plain ASCII text from now on pls  :-)

Ob313: Erm, OK, so who's the bird in blue (sorta) next to Nicole Slavin in
       that one pic then?  ;-)

BTW that's Dan Butler in the bottom right of the pic immediately above the
one labelled Nicole ... and Dan's girlfriend is next to Gary Robinson!

Looks like a right blast ... wish I'd been there.  Next time have one
on the weekend before a US hol that I actually get the day off for  :-)
(It's Columbus Day here today but we slaves don't get it off - it's
 more like a Bank Holiday here)

        - Greg

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