Informed Choice

Fergie met his untimely end, he was informed that he had a choice about
where he would spend his eternity: Heaven or Hell. He was allowed to visit
both places, and then make his decision afterwards.

"I'll see Heaven first," said the Fergie, and an angel led him through the
gates on a private tour. Inside it was very peaceful and serene, and all the
people there were playing harps and eating grapes. It looked very nice, but
Fergie was not about to make a decision that could very well condemn him to
so sedate an eternity.

"Can I see Hell now?" he asked. The angel pointed him to the elevator, and
he went down to the Basement where he was greeted by one of Satan's loyal
followers. For the next half hour, Fergie was led through a tour of what
appeared to be the best night clubs he'd ever seen. People were partying
loudly, and having a, if you'll pardon the expression, Hell of a time.

When the tour ended, he was sent back up where the angel asked him if he had
reached a final decision.

"Yes, I have," he replied. "As great as Heaven looks and all, I have to
admit that Hell was more of my kind of place. I've decided to spend my
eternity down there."

Fergie was sent to hell, where he was immediately thrown into a cave and was
chained to a wall, and he was subjected to various tortures. "When I came
down here for the tour," he yelled with anger and pain, "I was shown a whole
bunch of bars and parties and other great stuff! What happened?!"

The devil replied, "Oh, that! That was the Radio 1 version"

14/10/03 8:18 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> do you know him then ed?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ed612313 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tue 14/10/2003 07:39
> Cc: 
> Subject: RE: Re: (313) rolando mix/ interview on Radio1
> Uh, what did I call him last week? Ronaldo????
> Fergie is, and always will be, a twat
> ed
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 4:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Re: (313) rolando mix/ interview on Radio1
>> yeah maybe, or perhaps he thinks the dodgy trance he's been making his
> living from has a limited shelf-life and is seeking a new bandwagon,
> let's
> not rush to be too forgiving shall we?
>> Dan.
> i know what you mean dan, he has kinda gone from one style to another a
> bit
> too quickly..  he's kind of at that stage where its just about bearable,
> I
> just hope it doesn't get any sillier, where people would start hailing
> him
> as an actual 'techno' dj and not just another bandwagon jumper that he
> really is.
> anyway- looking forward to the technasia and other mixes on his show.
> although he is a big piece of edam..
> kev
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Dan Bean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: <>
> Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 4:47 PM
> Subject: Re: Re: (313) rolando mix/ interview on Radio1
>> yeah maybe, or perhaps he thinks the dodgy trance he's been making his
> living from has a limited shelf-life and is seeking a new bandwagon,
> let's
> not rush to be too forgiving shall we?
>> Dan.
>> P.S. I met a very interesting lurker on Sat at Public Life, but
> unfortunately have forgotten his name in the haze of intoxication. We
> were
> talking about unecessary posting on the list....(ahem). Could you drop
> me a
> line off-list, would be nice to make contact.
>> You wrote:
>>> i think fergie is slowly making amends for many years of promoting
> cheese.
>>> we must all be adult and forgive him for his sins!
>>> kev
>>> <<WILD LOOPS>>
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 313 <>
>>> Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 3:37 PM
>>> Subject: Re: (313) rolando mix/ interview on Radio1
>>>> On 13/10/03 1:47 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>>>>> hi all
>>>>> Rolando had an interview/ 30 min mix on Radio1 (Fergie) on
> Friday
>>> night..
>>>>> (you'll need to fast forward halfway thru the show to get to the
> mix)
>>>>> i haven't checked it myself yet so can't offer any comment.
> enjoy..
>>>>> kev
>>>>> <<WILD LOOPS>>
>>>> Fergie....grrrrr....

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