Funny I interviewed Andre last Sunday and he said that if anything he wanted
to stretch the imaginations of his own community who listen to straight
Of the singing he said he didn't think he was much good, and that he
couldn't hope to aspire to Prince in that dept.
He released a non rap album as he said he couldn't think of anything to rap
I wanted to ask about Erykah Badu but I really feel bad asking personal
questions so we talked about his perfect soulmate and fatherhood instead. ;)

> 1. 'kast at the fest would mos def be pimp.
> 2. it is indeed an exciting time for urban music. haven't heard this much
> innovation since ten tears ago.
> 3. hip hop & electronic (same difference?) have always played off of each
> other & always will. this is just dandy. i know djs mixing this album in
> with instrumental electronic shiz.
> 4. (hogans sucks teeth... hard) whatever, dog! andre is an effin' genius.
> always has been & ain't poop changed. "prototype" is my junk. i might cry
> just thinking about it... oh, anybody that tells me that erykah's second
> album, mama's gun, isn't her best yet can go eat something yucky that
> doesn't taste good either.
> 5. common may be in cahoots with coca cola, but he's still one of the
> coldest out there. "soul power"? "the hustle"? stereolab collabos? c'mon,
> dude?!?!
> 6. i can only hope that when my stuff drops that folks don't write me off as
> "a weird wannabe white dude" just 'cause i'm not flashing ice, grabbin' my
> nads & womanizing. i is who i be. >>>
> love + spleen,
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> jason hogans (:brownstudy)
> chief nice guy
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> really nice recordings, l.l.c.
> <>

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