i'll be updating the deeptransportation.com site tomorrow night with info on
the theo record, also a site redesign and new content in the near future.

: : -----Original Message-----
: : Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 6:06 PM
: : To: 313@hyperreal.org
: : Subject: (313) New Harmonie Park Releases....
: :
: :
: : Well, i was told to post this to the list so all the 313 people
: : know about
: : it...
: :
: : There will be a new Harmonie Park release soon. It will be Theo
: : Parrish. I
: : have been told it is due for an official release maybe at the end of
: : december but probablly sometime at the begining of the year....Mike
: : Huckaby is gonna sell a few of them at random on ebay for a set price of
: : like 14 bucks or something like that, to get the word out... so be quick
: : and watch for it...if you can't get it off ebay it will be out
: : eventually....
: :
: :
: : Also, Harmonie Park will have another release soon after the
: : Theo release.
: : It will be Deep Transportation 3, a new record by Mike Huckaby from the
: : Deep Transportation series..can't give you an exact time of release, but
: : it should be  soon after the Theo release.
: :
: : So there's  a few new items to keep an eye out for. Should be some good
: : stuff... Now i just gotta wait for mine to arrive...i'll let
: : everyone know
: : how they sound when i hear them...
: :
: : out
: : michael
: : www.renegaderhythms.com
: :
: :

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