On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 02:36:54AM -0600, Cobert, Gwendal wrote:
> > VA - Pink Me Up: A Sabrettes Compilation LP (Sabrettes)
> > VA - Pink 'n' Poisonous (Sabrettes)
> I just love all the Weatherall-related output I know of, but some of
> it always seemed a bit dodgy to me... are those three worth it ?

Sabrettes is only tangentially related to Sabres of Paradise and
Andrew Weatherall (who released a couple singles on Sabrettes in
concert with David Hedger else under the name Lords of Afford), having
been run by Nina Walsh, (ex-?)girlfriend of Andrew Weatherall and
prime person behind Hydrogen Dukebox's Slab. Sabrettes was primarily a
hard techno label, but put out early stuff by Andrea Parker (in her
Inky Blacknuss guise -- "Blacknuss" is probably my favorite track by
her ever) and some amazing midtempo tech-house tracks by Pyrex Detox
(particularly "The Bells of Induction") and Innersphere.

_Pink Me Up_ and _Pink'n'Poisonous_ catch Sabrettes at the two ends of
their arc -- the former was one of the first releases on the label,
and the latter was a retrospective released when Walsh decided to shut
the label down to concentrate on Slab. So, suitably enough, the first
is a little dodgy in places, and the latter specializes in the kind of
hard techno that Sabrettes came to excel. Their hard stuff has a
distinctly industrial edge and isn't for everyone, but I think the
Turbulent Force and Pod records on Sabrettes are pleasingly weird.

Sabrettes is, along with R&S, UR, Tresor and the 94-97 run of Reload
Records, one of my all-time favorite techno labels, and I think the
comps represent it accurately. I have every release on the label that
I've been able to find.


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