Thanks to Julian for posting those pictures! We have some photos of our own, 
and I'm aware of a number of others knocking about, and those should soon be 
online, but in the meantime, here's a bit of a guide to who *I* recognise in 
some of the pictures on the site. I know it's pointless but then 
so is being at work this late...

The photos are all at btw:

beta.jpg - the main people I recognise are on the right, namely Ken Odeluga 
(back to the camera), Tristan Watkins (face obscured by Ken's head), and John 
Harvey (mouth open)

gamma.jpg - Ken and John can still be seen to the right of the camera, and this 
time John's friend Rob can be seen at the bar

delta.jpg - Ken again

epsilon.jpg - Matt Chester of 11th Hour on the decks

zeta.jpg - Ken, John, Tristan and the guy I don't recognise but strangely 
suspect that I should are in the foreground. Robert Taylor is recognisable 
further into the crowd

iota.jpg - I only recognise Matt

theta.jpg - Matt Chester and others on the dancefloor

eta.jpg - Rob at the bar once atgain!

kappa.jpg - Dan Butler

lambda.jpg - John Harvey, Tristan, Rob, and the person I still don't recognise

nu.jpg - Robert Taylor and Tristan; on the left are some couple who I *think* 
turned up randomly, but had a really good time, and were shaking my hand 
appreciatively at the end of the night

xi.jpg - in this one you can see me and Guy in the background

omicron.jpg - Guy and me; Guy has headphones, I have beer

pi.jpg - I'm not totally sure but I think that's the barman who went on the 

rho.jpg - me hunched over the decks

sigma.jpg - from the left: Ken, my friend Cath from Brighton, Robert Taylor 
(who didn't seem to notice the "Robert Taylor's in this motherf*cker!" bit I 
played!), Tristan, someone I don't recognise, and Matt's girlfriend. And the 
back of Matt's head is right in front of camera too

So is there anyone obvious I'm missing or didn't recognise?


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