Matt MacQueen wrote:
Kelley Polar Quartet - Recital EP  (Environ)

seconded! a cool record...

do you know if this is an actual band Matt?? or just a sort of studio
project?  cool band if it is...!

yes it's a real "band"-- ha ha... a proper string quartet! Mike Kelley is on viola and the KPQ is his brainchild. The rest of the quartet is 2 violin players and the 4th plays cello. Plus some help on vocals. Great stuff... still extremely funky and electronic and danceable too, certainly not as academic as it might sound when you usually think of the word "quartet"... ;)

Matt MacQueen

I'm a bit slow on the uptake as usual but I really like this record, just as good as their first which I still love. Another purchase on the same day was HUNDARA FRAN SODER: REUNION #VOLT8 (Voltmusik). Again I really recommend this, nice and deep.


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