"Robert Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> Dribble! I used to have that but absurdly got rid of it!
> BTW - enjoyed your set at SEND last month, you sleepy sod!

thanks... yeah, all London 313 listmembers now have a total bad impression 
about me. The problem was little poor Arne being so tired from a massive 
stressy working week before and when the excitement of playing in London was 
over after the set I got soooo terribly tired that even Shawn wasn't able to 
get me back to life again that night....

I'm sorry for that!
But I hope I don't promise too much when I tell you that it will be better 
early next year when I'm back in London to play...
We should ask Matt about that..... :-)

Greetz, Arne

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