It's suberbly written and provocative which is a good thing but the thesis
really troubles me.
I don't mean to come across all condensing and anti-drug, as I may have in
previous posts, what people do is their own business, but I do feel strongly
about ensuring people realise not everyone active in this culture takes
Even Ferry Corsten who makes power trance, and Armin Van Burren, claim to
have never taken E.
I personally felt he really misrepresented Mills in that book, I felt there
was quite a personal attack in there, I can't recall the context. I feel he
marginalises Detroit, period. He also only incidentally mentions the absence
of women in the scene.
I think there is a lot to critique but it's an important document
regardless. Everyone should read it.

>From: "Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: (313) Book: Generation Ecstasy : Into the World of Techno andRave
>Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 8:14 AM

> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>>all fair points matt.
>>i guess i'd rather read about crazed culture with music as a
>>hence my love for lester bangs, hunter thompson, ect....
> those guys are fantastic for sure. and i do believe that mr
> reynolds does love music in and of itself as well as writing about
> it in its context. the idea that i think hes going for is that he
> wants to write about the culture as it exists, from the inside.
> thats a very forward thinking thing to do IMO, right up there with
> jeff mills making a documentary on something that is still with
> us. it will help people understand things better once they
> disappear. some things can easily be conveyed using a historical
> writing type perspective. but can you really explain hardcore's
> chart potential without understanding the culture behind it in the
> UK at the time? and no one can write better about that culture
> than someone who was there and participated.
> tom
> ________________________________________________________________

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