thanks Matt

I'm listening to the Derrick May mix on this page:

what the track he plays at 18mins:40seconds in. I've seen derrick play quite
a few times and he loves this one. "I wanna do anything"????

What is it? - it sounds like something Carl Craig would do in the early-mid


on 23/12/03 6:23 AM, Matt MacQueen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Every once and awhile you stumble across some nice web archives from
> the past that didn't get rinsed out when a server crashed or a domain
> name expired or a start-up folded (R.I.P.  Groovetech)... but here are
> some good Real Audio sets from the "Detroit Technology" show from 1999
> currently kicking the Common Factor one..  very nice
> peace,
> --
> Matt MacQueen

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