sorry greg-

like marc said- it was last minute and could have gone either way.

and the first THREE hours we were there were tough to take.

On Sat, 3 Jan 2004, Greg Earle wrote:

> Mark_S._Krux wrote:
> > Well Josh,  Doris and I were representing the 313 posse out here in LA at
> > the Sub Level Warehouse party...
> ... while I sat at home, watched "Vanilla Sky" and picked belly-button lint.
> Thanks for the heads-up, guys!  :-P
> I think the Dutchies had the best night out, from my perspective anyway:
> Joel Mull & Steve Rachmad tag-team
> Secret Cinema
> Oliver Ho & James Ruskin tag-team
> Speedy J
> http://www.Awakenings.NL/index.php?redirect=/party_item.php?party_id=76
>       - Greg

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