first, i wanted to write that they increased the levels of the tracks.
but then i made a 1:1 comparison and noticed that this is not the case.
a few tracks seem to have some adjustments on the mids, very subtle tho.

strangewise, the remastered m-series compilation is more different to
the old one. whatsoever, i wouldn't have heard the bc tracks as much
lately if there wouldn't have the re-issue. that already justifies its
existence :)


> ronny, how do the remastered versions of BC sound compared to the
> originals? What has been changed? gained or lost (in your opinion). 
> maybe a good thing to write this list about-
> -jasonk
> On Wednesday, January 28, 2004, at 07:09 AM, Ronny Pries wrote:
> > one of these minimal days here...
> >
> > Basic Channel Compilation (Remastered)
> > Monolake Gravity
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Ronny
> >

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