I know, another headphone question. I'm really after some advice though.

My Sennheisers HD25sp headphones have finally started to break - I'm pretty sure it's just the lead though. I was about to buy a replacement lead when I saw the HD25 version (normally 130) for 99. The replacement lead is only 20. Nobody else I know uses Sennheisers which is unusual. So i've never used a pair of HD25's.

My question is to those of you who have used both, is it worth getting a new pair of HD25's? Bare in mind I've had my old sp's for about 4-5 years and I may get a new lead only for a capsule to go (40 to replace).

What are the differences? I can't believe the only difference is that the sp's use a Y cable. That seems unreasonable considering they're 50 cheaper.

Again aplogies for OT questions

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