----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 5:28 PM
Subject: RE: AW: (313) Derrick May quote and the Death of Techno

> all i know is that amp fiddler's music is not in any way
> groundbreaking but we cant keep a single 12" with his name on it
> in stock. people who are into hiphop and r+b have been buying his
> records as well as all the techno and house heads who have known
> about him for a little while now.

It's really interesting to compare that to how the Amp Fiddler album is
being pushed in the UK. Not sure if I've mentioned, but 'Waltz of a Ghetto
Fly' got 4 of 5 stars in the Metro, which is a sort of middle-of-the-road
free paper primarilly for the tube in London. It's generally regarded as
sh*t. Anyway... they've also had large ads for the album in it and at
Stockwell station there's a full-size (five foot tall or so) ad for the
album which I pass every day on the way to and from work. The only thing
I've seen remotely as adventurous as this is an ad for The Rapture's album
(which happened to occupy exactly the same spot). Meanwhile, you see Ghostly
spending (what seems to me to be) quite a bit of money on promotion
stateside (and here but to a comparitively lesser degree), and it's paid off
in terms of journalistic attention, DJ interest and presumably sales judging
by the growth of the label. It'll be interesting to see whether or not Amp
Fiddler blows up here. He's certainly had some really high profile support
so far.

Obviously it's hard to compare the two that closely, since the Amp Fiddler
stuff will be accessible to a much wider audience, but I'm still interested
to see what happens.


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