Been having probs posting to 313 since I resubbed. So Ill try again. Apols
if it duplicates....If not Ill have to go back to lurking


Top Five from The D in no order.

Wire To Wire - Robert Hood
More Songs.. - CC
SkyNet - Infinity
Aril Brika - Deeparture In Time
Urban Tribe - Collapse of Modern Culture

I can easily put any one of these on and not feel the need to forward/miss
tracks. They offer a variety of paces and textures in a way to keep me
interested and the experience is less of a mix CD type where the
pace/intensity buiilds, peaks, holds and drops for 10.

I guess it more of a home listening experience for me as this is were I hear
most of my music and at 38 I don't do clubs much.

That my tuppence.


Rav x3047 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 09 February 2004 13:47
Subject: (313) techno LP's

I always have this argument with my mate about techno lps.

He says that techno LP's are in general something you never sit down and
listen to all the way through, therefore rendering them useless as LP's -
they may as well be 12"s. And his argument is that compilations are far more
suited to the genre.

I half agree. I virtually never listen to a techno LP all the way through -
however, without the techno LP, we'd have missed out on alot of good
tracks........ alot of the time I buy a techno LP, it's for one track or two
I suppose.

so - what's the best techno LP you have? (as a full listening experience)

No compilations allowed. Just seeing if I missed any that are worth picking

alex _________________________________________________________________

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