On 17-feb-04, at 2:18, J. T. wrote:

well supposedly ferenc has quit dj'ing now right?
is he going back in the studio?
is he pissed because italo is too popular now?

Yeah he stopped dj-ing, well almost he will do just one last gig in the Bootleg cafe in Rotterdam this month but that will be his last one. He did not stop because he thought that italo is to popular now but because apparently no one listened to the CBS....

In an interview he did with listmember Rebelbass he said that one of the reasons he quit dj-ing was because his job as a dj was done, italo was no longer a dirty word and people made it and played it again.


i heard perspects said in an interview he isnt making music again until the electro fad dies down. i say make money and build an audience while the oppurtunity is there, by all means. if you like making music, make music. maybe if the new audience for electro (or italo, etc) hears more quality music it will extend beyond fad. the hype and bs and disposable music that goes along with fads is annoying but i think it's a shame if you let yourself lose your passion because of it..but understandable i guess..

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