Yes.  And Greg is a great guy and his releases are fantastic.

But recommendations of other labels similar to Restructured 
and Consigned is what I had in mind.

A list of top 5 labels would be nice from whomever would like 
to add to this in that deep, dancy, spacey, tech/house, well 
there are clips on line on both Restructured, Consigned, and 
Thinner so you get the idea.



---- Original message ----
>Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 15:28:46 -0500
>From: "Trevor Wilkes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: Re: (313) similar sound tips...  
>To: "tuneintuition" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Restructured! A Toronto label run by Greg Gow
>you can get more info from his page
>Trevor "Playing at the next restructured party in April :)" 
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "tuneintuition" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 3:16 PM
>Subject: (313) similar sound tips...
>> Looking for more material along the lines of lables such 
>> Consigned (anyone know why releases on this label have 
>> ceased?  please fill me in) and Restructured - can anyone 
>> refer me to some labels to check out? 
>> I never get enough of that deep dancefloor stuff, even 
>> Thinner has some killer stuff out - rolling chords, 
>> and wonderfully dancy beat.
>> Can't find too many labels that really stay consistant to 
>> that style and was hoping to get some input on labels that 
>> may not have heard of or considered.
>> Thanks for all your help!
>> peace
>> Luke
>> Berettamusic/DeepisDeep

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