On Feb 27, 2004, at 2:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
i've seen posters here in utrecht of an upcoming night with both jay denham (related to R. Denham?) and oscar mulero.
never heard denham play, but liked quite a lot of his early
work, haven't really been paying attention to his work after
'synthesised society', and never heard anything by mulero,
except a lot of praise from fans. so is this worth getting
out of bed for?

I have a 3-hour Oscar Mulero mix set - "Live at Xcess
Profiles - Las Palmas (04-10-2003)" - it's badass.  Try
finding it on SoulSeek.

Not all "looped bangers" by any stretch.  I'd go see him
in a heartbeat.  (There *are* a fair amount of "looped
bangers" in there, but it's not like it's 3 hours' worth.)

I can't even believe you're thinking of passing that
show up, Jurren!  :)

        - Greg (who wonders why they name clubs in Rotterdam
                after cities in the Canary Islands)

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