Ahhh yes...spastik. what a moment in history. hot as fuk, both literally and
figuratively. all I gotta say is thank god I was right behind rich and the
whole set up with he rest of the gang when the DPD came through with the
pepper spray and that there was a rather large garage-type door behind us
all leading into the open air  =)

I still have all sorts of souvenirs and mementos from that night, including
a "planet e" squirt gun.

and the transcendence parties...just as sick. especially the speedy j live
party in 1996. 

those were the days...

On 03.03.2004 02:53 , "Matt MacQueen"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mar 3, 2004, at 12:50 AM, Adam H wrote:
>> Spastik(94) and Transcendence(95).  The shows were _incredible_  Both
>> were "plastikman" tracks live followed by 4-6 hour dj sets.
>> I wonder if he will play any of the goo*cough* I mean old plastikman
>> tracks..   :D
> hi Adam-
> I also caught him live for the 1st time in 94 at Spastik in Detroit too
> (was it really 10 years ago?  holy shi*t), but missed Transcendence,
> which may have been even bigger?   Pre-mp3, pre-Traktor, pre-Ableton,
> it was nearly pre-Clinton for god sake.   I gotta give him credit it
> was a mindblower of a party, the complete experience.  I mean at the
> time it was about as literally as 'techno' as you could get in the US,
> I still may even have the flyer somewhere (how sad am I).   There was a
> pile of live gear / rack / PA stuff  and then if i recall he played
> some records.  There really aren't parties like that anymore in the US,
> at that scale (and venue and volume) in Detroit, that still have a very
> underground feel with that level of talent and almost fetishistic
> overwhelmingly huge sound systems.  I remember his parents were in the
> crowd, and there were some contorting +8 dancers up on speakers peeling
> off layers of lycra clothing?  (do i have the right party here??
> yikes, it's all a blur, hahh)
> I kept thinking we're all gonna spontaneously combust it was so hot,
> packed in, everything was covered in black plastic and dripping in
> human perspiration. The sounds themselves felt like they were dripping,
> it was intense.  I'm sure whatever he'll do now from a performance
> standpoint will be completely unique and innovative as that's just his
> style, he's not one for nostalgia just for the sake of it.   Especially
> with the near-freakish control he usually has over every element of the
> parties, from technology, audio/visual setups, wanting the latest of
> everything, etc.
> I haven't cared for his last couple of albums (or straight
> jackhammer-like direction of his DJ sets in recent years) as much as
> his earlier more sparse material. The first 2 Plastikman albums (Sheet
> One and Musik) I think are still much better than the new ones IMHO..
> but frankly i'm still glad he brought back the whole Plastikman concept
> to life.  It's interesting and makes you think, whether you love it or
> hate it.   It probably all depends on if/when you got into his music
> and what tracks you got into (or out of) first...    But anyone who can
> go to this live set will probably be in for the 'total experience' --
> it's no slouchy organization, every detail matters.
> peace
> --
> Matt MacQueen
> http://SonicSunset.com

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