---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Andrew Duke Cognition Audioworks 

>re: remixes, commissioned or not?:
>And people like Yam Who? started out by doing
>bootleg remixes (called remixes because they added
>layers of acoustic instruments--new drums, basslines,
>keys, etc; and real live players, not programmed
>all by one person) for well known artists like
>Pharrel of the Neptunes and Raphael Sadiq (spelling,
>I just got up) and were so revered for these, despite
>them being bootlegs, that they are now being
>comissioned, sometimes by those same artists they
>initially remixed without permission, for legitmate

those guys are killing it. that recent one about outer space is 
like the illest tune. i think i have almost all their remixes, i 
need the raphael saadiq and the amp fiddler + only child. 




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