Well the thought I had was an animation, rather than a live action. And I
don't mean a Gollum-type affair, just an amazingly colourful 2D animation,
like Ullysses 31! Imagine the cartoon you could create! Based on the labels
and cover art, you could see an underwater world, an ancient race with
advanced knowledge, and advanced music of course! They have contacts above
ground but stay underwater, only surfacing for various missions. For segues
and transitions, you could have the coolest edits of Drexciya tracks, and
little 1-2 second excerpts for links!

Either that or making a Drexciya video game, or a feature length about the
plight of the Drexciyans. It's such cool mythology, they must have been
approached to do something with it - anyone more in the know on this?



-----Original Message-----
From: Brendan Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 March 2004 16:06
To: Katrin Richter; Andrew; 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Aqua Boogie (was RE: (313) Techno's Voice)

I know what you mean about the sort of Drexciyan underwater dance party and
how hard it would be to capture that sort of thing on video! 

I read somewhere that when Parliament made the "Motor Booty Affair" album,
the original plan was that it would be a soundtrack to a film Clinton was
hoping to make that was based on the concept of an undersea party - I always
thought that if that had been made (it never actually materialised) it would
be a pretty Drexciyan sort of video. As it stands the most appropriate
visual accompaniment to Drexciya's music that I've come across is that movie
"Atlantis" by Luc Besson (although with the sound turned off, of course)...

Another good Drexciya-style image is the cover of "Techno City" by EVIAN on
Techno Kut - I can't find it online, but it has a couple of line-drawn
starfish and squids hanging around holding SH-101s (with the extension
thingy you use to be able to play it like a guitar) and TR-808s in front of
an aquatic backdrop of seaweed and corals. The music is really nice on that
release as well; seriously proto-Drexciyan sound and visuals from 1988!


-----Original Message-----
From: Katrin Richter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 10 March 2004 14:00
To: Andrew; 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: AW: (313) Techno's Voice

I would love to see some Drexciyan dance party video scene, but I don't know
if any video could really manage to capture the party that goes on in my

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