(This isn't strictly 313-related, although as the guitarist for
Visage, he played on the 313 favorite "Frequency 7".)

Taken from http://www.StevenSeverin.COM/johnmcgeoch.htm



I was shocked and saddened to hear that John passed away in his sleep last

Although we hadn't worked together for a long time and I hadn't seen him
for a couple of years he was always in my heart and often in my thoughts.

Without doubt the most inventive guitarist of our generation and my favourite Banshee.

Love to all his friends and family.

Bye John


Having seen John with both Magazine and the Banshees, I can only agree
with Steve - he was an amazing guitar player with a sound like no one
else.  I'm stunned.  The Light Pours Out Of Me, indeed.

        - Greg

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