Hyperreal number

>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The hyperreal numbers or nonstandard reals (usually denoted as *R) are an
extension of the real numbers R that adds infinitely large as well as 
numbers to R. The study of these numbers, their functions and properties is
called nonstandard analysis which some find more intuitive than standard real
analysis. When Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz introduced differentials, they
used infinitesimals and these were still regarded as useful by Leonhard Euler 
Augustin Louis Cauchy. Nonetheless these concepts were from the beginning
seen as suspect, notably by Bishop Berkeley, and when in the 1800s calculus
was put on a firm footing through the development of the epsilon-delta 
of a limit by Augustin Louis Cauchy, Karl Weierstrass and others, they were
largely abandoned . . .


hyperreal =


We use the term 'hyperreal' to refer to video techniques that encode a
heightened awareness of reality as it is mediated by television. Actually,
hyperreal encoding attempts to connote a sense of unmediated reality, but
always via a coding system that is mediated. Technique overwhelms substance
as a semiotic system. The semiotics of technique dominate the reading of
advertising texts which seek to convey a heightened sense of realism. Seamless
technicolor realism, so popular from the 1950s through the 1970s, backgrounded
technique and disguised the camera's presence. This is what Jean Baudrillard
(1983, p.1) had in mind when he used the term "hyperrealism" - a world where
reality is represented as more perfect than real. Baudrillard refers to the
hyperreal as "The generation by models of a real without origin or reality," 
that one can no longer tell the difference between what is real and what is a
representation of the real .  . .


hyperreal =

Don't give in you got to keep going
Move it up right top to the very tip top
And when you get there
You won't want to quit climbing
Ascending Rising Harmonising
Fantasising Healing Feeling
Hyperreal only way to go
Lets do it....

"Hyperreal," The Shamen, 1990


Originally a Sun box at UC Berkeley where Brian Behlendorf
was a student and sysadmin and started the sfraves mailing
list in 1991.

Later moved to other hardware at Stanford and then to a colo
Somewhere in Silicon Valley where it lives on today hosting
numerous mailing lists, FAQs, DJ sets and other resources.
And 313 of course, which is approaching its 10th anniversary.




Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 20:00:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: George bio?

Hi.  Perhaps this should have been a personal mailing, but too late.  How about
a bio about this George 313-list originator?  I'd be interested.

George, no prying meant.  We don't have to get into background if you don't
want.  But starting a list seems indicative of a real dedication to the
"scene"....whassup?  Hope 313 thrives...

So what's the take on MATRIX Records, people?  And does anyone know if ART
DANCE is doing anything?

-morgan geist

Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 23:45:37 -35900
From: "George M. Smiley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: George bio

>Hi.  Perhaps this should have been a personal mailing, but too late.
>How about a bio about this George 313-list originator?  I'd be interested.
>George, no prying meant.  We don't have to get into background if you don't
>want.  But starting a list seems indicative of a real dedication to the
>"scene"....whassup?  Hope 313 thrives...

Nah, starting the list was meant solely as an effort to help get me
through the period between Submerge mailings.

As for the bio, that will have to wait for the WWW page. Was that
answer evasive enough?

 - George

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