Just arrived today ... short blurb in the April URB on Movement ...


Detroit electronic music festival hits the half-decade mark

The always gigantic and usually dramatic Movement [formerly DEMF] electronic music festival held in Detroit will reach a milestone as it celebrates its fifth anniversary this Memorial Day. After four years of money issues, management changes and artistic infighting, the festival remains one of the most vibrant weekends on the American dance music calendar.

Producer Derrick May, who personally helped bankroll last year's event after taking over from the controversial Pop Culture Media [who produced the first three outings], can finally fun the festival free from doubters. He has already secured a multi-year contract from the city and full sponsorship for 2004 and is looking forward to taking the Movement Festival to new heights.

"We're trying to get some next-level acts this year," May told URB. "We're not just trying to do the DJ thing. The DJ is the backbone of the event. It's still going to be the backbone, but we need to really be one step ahead and not be predictable."

At press time, May was unable to reveal any of the scheduled acts, although he made clear that one of the most heavily rumored bookings was still a work in progress. Further information on the event can be obtained at www.movementfestival.com

Joshua Glazer"

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