>The CD will be released on April 23rd in Japan via Cisco/Soundscape.
>The CD will also be sold during the Movement festival.

so the only places you can get the CD are at the festival and through the
Cisco/Soundscape store?

what is the deal with Transmat and Cisco? I just picked up the
Time:Space_02 CD (import) and it's published by Soundscape and distributed
by Cisco

does Cisco have exclusive distribution for Transmat?


                      "John Osselaer"                                           
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       <313@hyperreal.org>   
                      ndora.be>                cc:                              
                                               Subject:  (313) Movement 
                      04/06/04 02:39 PM                                         

Hi list,

We have a news item up at the site that might interest some folks:
information about the Movement compilation and the full track listing.




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