i just got this in, it maybe of interest to some of you.....

> Subject: mess. from M.Passarani: Finalfrontier 10th
> birthday feat. UR /
>   Timeline Show
> Dear friends, this is Marco Passarani on the other
> side of the connection.
> Hope you're doing well.
> I'm sending you this email to advice you that this
> week we're celebrating 
> the first ten years of our production company
> Finalfrontier.
> This special occasion will be celebrated during the
> upcoming weekend with 
> two parties in Rome and in Bologna.
> I do apologize if this is a "collective" email, that
> was the only chance I 
> had to talk to all the persons we think that have
> been important for the 
> life of our company.
> Both parties will feature performances from the
> Finalfrontier people like 
> Raiders of the lost ARP, Andrea Benedetti,
> Francisco, Mat101 and of course 
> me as well .... but the very exciting news is that
> Underground Resistance 
> featuring Mike Banks, Gerald Mitchell, Danny
> Caballero,
> Raphael Merriweathers and Santiago Salazar are
> performing as well .... the 
> show it's called Timeline and maybe you've heard
> about it since they've 
> done that already in Tokyo and in Paris.
> This unique occasion to see them playing live it's
> happening in Rome the 
> 23rd at the Brancalone club and in Bologna the 24th
> at the Link (where Jeff 
> Mills will also join the room with his current "The
> Exhibitionist" show).
> We know it's a bit late to advice you about this
> events, but we decided to 
> keep the word very quiet in order to do that more as
> a real party rather 
> than a big event.
> If you don't have anything special to do in the
> weekend, well I think this 
> is a very good chance to see what's going on
> overhere.
> Both clubs are the best at the moment, and you'll
> see a huge crowd 
> attending the night that surely will show you a side
> of the roman city 
> maybe you don't expect.
> In case you wanna come over, especially for the 23rd
> in Roma, we suggest 
> you to get in touch with us in order to have a
> reservation for the 
> entrance. The club is usually sold out around 1.00
> .... this time will be 
> even worse.
> or in case you're thinking of coming over, please
> send us an email and 
> we'll make sure you can get into the club.
> That's it.
> I hope to see some of you over here.
> This is Remix Distribution the Finalfrontier.
> the homebase of Nature records, Plasmek and Pigna.
> Via Perugia 22 - 00176 Roma. Italia.
> ph/fax: +39 06 7017205
> web page: www.finalfrontier.it

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