Kamal Stoddard can't post to the list so asked me to share this:

There's a people which i'm sure some of you are familiar with in Mali called 
the Dogon. Their oral history details an account of an alien called Manu 
descending from the Sirius-b star and blessing them with civilization, and some 
accounts even list him as the forefather of their people. European researchers 
thought it was bunk until they realized after years of serious research that 
the movement projections and orbit arc's that the dogon people could map out 
for them in the sand were mathematically exact. They also claim to be able to 
travel to the star at will (it may interest you to know that the star sirius-b 
is only visible to scientists using the most modern technology during certain 
intervals and SHOULD be invisible to the naked eye completely). To add credence 
to this, ancient Kemetian history has long attributed their knowledge of order 
and civilization to the same alien named manu as well as his cadre of annunaki. 
this is not the stuff they teach in history class at school, but isn't too hard 
to find. This is, as far as i know the root of the alien theories in regard to 
black peoples. Given the consistency and depth of knowledge about these star 
systems and their alleged inhabitants, these "theories" have resisted dismissal 
by scientists through the years only to be pushed back into the cellars of 
modern research on the premise that it is not relevant to the current state of 
world affairs. priorities I guess, eh? this is all old news, but I'm sure it'll 
be new to some of you.

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