
note- although its not clear on the splash page, Speedy j and Liebing will
be playing in tandem. Jochem on gear and Chirs on decks.

Also- Monolake will be playing with Deadbeat via internet connection from
Germany. i believe they;ve done this a few times.

theres a few more afterparties here:


shame ellen allien is the same night as paxahau. i supposed i'll decide on
which to see based on how good her LA show is the week before. Either way-
its walking distance between the two.

Oddly- i've not heard of any major parties on Sunday night. Too bad since
that's historically the 'bender' night

and i know of a few more that aren't posted up yet.

On Mon, 26 Apr 2004, Gerald wrote:

> I thought you'd usually here about an afterparty or two by now.
> There's the Speedy J party @ St. Andrews - but has anyone heard about
> any other possible events; anything that hasn't been officially
> announced yet?
> Cheers!
> G
> ----------------------------------
> www.gerald-matrix.com

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