On 18-mei-04, at 17:11, jason kenjar wrote:

Underground Resistance: 008 The theory / Free as you want to be: UR is back at their old game of seemingly irrelevant serial numbering. They are calling this UR -008, but according to discogs, that number is already occupied by the vision - gyroscope. The theory is a good track. It certainly does sound like an older UR record because of the spaced out vocals and bouncy bass lines that sound kind of similar to transmat records. Anybody know the name of the equipment i'm talking about? This track is really politically motivated, etched in the inside run out gooves you will read " The needs of many are greater than the needs of a few: or something, the vocals repeat that sentiment. 313er ryan burns concurs that this record sounds a bit dated BUT in a good way. I would recommend picking it up if you like nation to nation, pre-industrial sounding UR. Free as you want to be isn't as fun for me. Sounds kind of half completed, like the start of a good track. Its only a few minutes long.

The Theory is an old track. This version originally appeared on Equinox records and was also on the Revolution For Change CD/LP. The sample 'The needs of the many, outweighs the need of the few' is taken from a Start Trek movie (The wrath of Kahn). The other sample where they talk about the Genesis device is also taken from the same movie.

I love this track btw. this definitely one of my favorite UR tracks...

"Forty-two!" yelled Loonquawl. "Is that all you've got to show for seven and a half million years' work?" "I checked it very thoroughly," said the computer, "and that quite definitely is the answer. I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, is that you've never actually known what the question is."

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