I first ran into the infamous chicken at Foran's on one of their off nights (I 
think it was a Wednesday). Just visualize sitting in an Irish pub and turning 
around and seeing this guy in a chicken costume..pretty funny. The phrase is 
actually a website whose content is pretty lame overall 
(imsickandtiredofwhitegirls.com ?). The phrase just cathes certain people as 
funny (me included..I bought 2 shirts on the spot..so did many others).

There were several people wearing them during the fest, andf it was even 
funnier depending on who had them on. My favorite was an old white couple 
holding hands cruising around. I guess the joke may be a cultural thing.

When I came home wearing the shirt my wife just started laughing, so it does 
the job I guess.


> can anyone explain to me those "Sick and tired of white girls" T-Shirts 
> (see the chicken below)
> there must be a joke or reference i'm not getting here.
> robin...
> On 8 Jun 2004, at 03:09, lisa wrote:
> > cool pix Kent  :)
> >
> > can anyone explain what's up with this person/chicken?
> >
> > http://www.psychiatry.uiowa.edu/~kent/movement2004/Hannah/66.html

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