I have stacks of flyers from the Cisco people for the Transmat releases so
if you're in Oz and would like one, send me your mailing address (privately)
and I will post one to you... (If I can overcome my dreaded hate of queues
in post offices, he he. I owe someone else on this list a big parcel too.)
There is some good info on there.

Cisco has exclusive distribution. The Japanese market is hugely supportive
of Transmat artists and the people are really dedicated. I am sure that the
releases will find their way out there eventually.
So many major distributors in Europe have gone under that it's difficult to
get things out there these days in current circumstances.

I believe the Derrick May Edits CD on the Movement package is only available
with the Japanese edition and that is because Derrick didn't want people on
a wider level thinking it was a mix-CD, per se.

>> Transmat seems to
>> have some deal with Cisco records in Japan to distribute their music (at
>> least the CDs).
> The thing that bugs me about this is that I can't seem to find these
> releases anywhere else besides Cisco. That's cool, I know where it is.
> But if I didn't I think I'd have no chance in finding it since my
> Japanese is non-existant. Not good for the rest of the non-Japanese
> speaking world and for the potential market of non-japanese speaking 313
> fans (or the producers of the music who I'm sure would love to see their
> hard work out there for everyone to enjoy).
> They don't seem to be doing a good job (correct me if I'm wrong though)
> but they seemed to be the distributor for the Time:Space_vol2
> compilation and I've never seen that anywhere besides Japan and
> alt.binaries.music.mp3s.electronic

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