saw this come across another list:

Kraftwerk " 12345678 - The Catalogue" will be available on September...
In a recent interview to italian newspaper La Stampa, Ralf Hütter confirmed release of Kraftwerk remastered albuns (12345678 - The Catalogue) on September, 2004.

They will be available in separated pieces and as a box, with the original artwork when they were first published.

The 8 albuns (Autobahn, Radioactivity, Trans Europe Express, The Man Machine, Computer World, Electric Cafe, The Mix and Tour de France Soundtracks ) will be published in CD and  vinyl, and later in Super Audio CD, in both English and  German versions.

There will not be unreleased material, only the official  material with some known bonus tracks. The only modification will occurs with the album Electric Cafe, renamed as TECHNOPOP, with the original graphics and design from  original project.

The first three records (Kraftwerk, Kraftwerk 2 and  Ralf & Florian) will be released too, after the Catalogue, but as a separated package. The first three records weren't  released officialy on CD format until today, and only  available in bootlegs with material copied from the vinyl  versions were available.

The concerts of Kraftwerk Tour 2004 are being registered to production of a DVD, to be released in the beginning of next  year....

Matt MacQueen

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