this 303 nonsence is really silly...
all I said was that its NOT for ME
if you like it then thats fine good for you...
I personally would prefer to see all retro styles stay in the retro bins
there is nothing more boring then a full night 12 hours of screaming 303s
or 12 hours of any one style ... sure I have zero problem with an artist
dropping a 303 track into his or her set as much as I have zero proble
with someone dropping a mami bass styles track into thier set just not for
the whole thing
retro gets tired real fast for well as Im sure for others...
having seen it happen first hand at parties...
soooooooooooo Im gald for you or any one else who likes 303s in fact I tip
my hat to you... but for ME I personally DONT LIKE it, I enjoyed it the
first time around and had enough of it... now I want some thing else...
303s, 80s syth pop, 80s retro electro all has its place and time but is
just not what I prefer to accupy my personal music educaton with right
now... Iwas there when it happend...I educated my self back then with it
why do I need to reschool my self again on some thing when there is so
much new stuff to learn that has not been explored yet...

[neil adam wiernik aka naw]
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